All you corgi peeps out there know this from Day 1- paralyzing back problem is your dog's #1 health nemesis.
We foolishly hoped that when Bryson was diagnosed with Addison's Disease, he wouldn't be so lucky to be dealt another debilitating illness, right?
Well, this week proved us wrong. Just a little over a week ago, we enjoyed our road trip to LA, where Bryson and Eva trotted all over town- the Getty, the Old LA Zoo (super cool), having so much fun, little did we know...
...this is how he's gonna look in a few short days, all wobbly in his hind legs and having trouble even standing at times, and so exquisitely painful he'd yelp at the lightest touch around his belly.
2 visits with his regular vet and an emergency one with a neurologist later, we received the diagnosis of intervertebral disc disease, or IVDD, which depending on his ongoing symptoms and diagnostic tests (like a $2000 MRI which we opted out of, at least for now), may necessitate surgery so he won't be paralyzed from waist down...
We were instructed to put him on strict crate rest to let the inflammation around his spinal cord subside, which explains this indoor camping outfit (it's actually Eva's travel sleeping tent, which comes in very handy now).
He's in there pretty much 24/7, except when we carry him out to do his business. Yeah, it's pretty depressing, for us and him I'm sure, but I guess better be depressed than paralyzed.
At least we were able to find a bit of advice on the internet, we even joined a yahoo group for wheeled corgis (don't want to think about it, but good to see there is life after wheels, just like in the movies...)
And one thing we learned online is how to set up his "recovery suite", complete with elevated water bowl, comfortable bedding, enough but not too much space, and proximity to sights and smells he's comfortable with (mostly stinky things).
Looking longingly at the "outside" world, during one of the regularly-scheduled petting breaks...
The hope is with strict confinement and the right combination of medicines (and supportive treatment like acupuncture and laser therapy), that his body will heal in time to the point where he can walk and function independently again.
Please send Bryson your healing thoughts! We're looking forward to more moments like this with the kids...