Merry, merry X'mas, folks!
Yes, we're still alive! What? Why this almost 2-month absence?? Well, actually, nothing much. Apart from the usual- work, crafty endeavors, taking care of the gang, traveling, etc etc, it just seems that the longer I wait to write a post, the more overwhelmed I feel about the back log of stuff I meant to write about, and the more I dread writing... which, of course, leads to a downward spiral resulting in this blog gathering cobwebs.
So, I'm starting my new year resolution a little early- I'm going to tend to this blog with a bit more TLC. Can't commit to NaBloPoMo as I did before Eva, but I'll try to keep up the effort. Just so you won't have to wonder if Bryson's healthy and if Eva's gone off to college or something.
On that note, Bryson is currently doing well and Eva, while not having started college, is 17 months and getting big. Just see for yourselves some pix we took on this lovely Christmas day:
Yep, that's Bryson sporting a new tie, handsome, eh? This and the gorgeous hand-sewn corgilicious towel and the baggie of goodies are part of the loot we received for our participation in Kelly and Gibson's Corgi Butts Secret Santa Gift Exchange, woo hoo! And not pictured in the package are another tie (I've got to do a video of him in that one, ah hem, it sings...), the Pitcairn book I've been wanting, and a handmade key fob. Whew, that's gotta be the best secret santa we've ever had. Thanks, Jenna and Sully @ Corgipants! Hmm... now I just hope our recipient likes ours too...
And here's Eva, who just learned to say "wow!", and had plenty of opportunities to practice while ripping open her presents today:
Opening her first present still in her crib and jammies...
A doll from Auntie Jessie, thanks! (This doll comes with a bottle, which Eva has been dutifully using to feed the baby, me, all her other stuffed animals and Bryson routinely throughout the day)
A tea set! Also from Auntie Jessie (and Tickle-me Elmo, from Cousins Sara and Tyler). Thank you, thank you!
This gift-opening thing is exhausting, must have a cup of tea, pronto...
Now I'm re-energized I can take my new mouse for a spin. Wow, it's fast! Too fast! OK, per toddler rule, she actually likes the box more than the toy *sigh*
And for the grand finale, Eva got to meet Curious George in the flesh today at the Contemporary Jewish Museum...
She's been addicted to Curious George ever since visiting with her cousins in Austin last week. So when we found out about this Curious George Saves the Day exhibition at the Museum, and that they're having a free day today, we braved the rain (and line in the rain, brutal...) to go check it out.
We spent more time chasing after Eva then enjoying the exhbition, which is quite fascinating, by the way, as it not only showcase the original art work but also the harrowing story of how the authors, H. A. and Margeret Rey escaped Nazi Germany on a tandem bike during WWII.
You can see more of our pix of the day here.
Speaking of our trip to Austin, here are some pictures of Eva and her cousins:
We miss you, Sara and Tyler! See here for more of our TX trip.
And one last picture of Eva, just from the other day downstairs while walking Bryson. It's one of those pictures that makes you go "what? that little girl is my baby??"
And of course there has to be one last picture of Bryson...
Nite nite. And hope you had a memorable X'mas too.