Today's my first day back to work from my 4-plus-month maternity leave. *Sigh*
I had a mini-meltdown last night, thinking about having to kiss her goodbye in the morning (ok, I do work from home mostly, but still it means handing her over to hubby, and trying to ignore her even when she's crying, which she did all afternoon). To make matters worse, I felt the urge to organize Eva's new closet and putting away clothes that didn't fit her anymore last night. Imagine me clutching a handful of tiny onesies and sobbing my face off on them. I was such a wreck.
When people with kids used to tell us when she was a few weeks old to enjoy them while they're small coz they grow up too fast, I thought that's absolute nonsense! All my sleep-deprived mind could grapple was that I couldn't wait for her to get bigger so she doesn't have to eat like 12 times a day and sleep only 2 hours at a time. But now, looking at these onesies that I can't believe she used to fit into just 3 months ago, and this giggling little thing beside me whose face lights up as soon as I walk into her room, I wish that time would stand still for just a sec so I can imprint this moment forever on my brain. (OK, the tears are flowing again... argh, what's wrong with me)
Just look at her and her little friends at a mommies' group gathering about a month ago (she was about 8.5 weeks then):
She looks so cute! So tiny! And so tanned! I swear I haven't taken her to a tanning booth yet. She is the youngest one there, but only by 4 days (the 2 cuties to her left and right are the 2 other youngest ones there, but they're all within about 3 months of each others).
Isn't this the most adorable line up ever? They look kinda wobbly that we thought they might all tumble like dominos. Good thing they didn't (but the slightly evil part of me thought that would've been kinda funny too. Tee hee!). Could you pick out the oldest baby?
Uh oh, Eva trying hard not to cry...
Where's my MOMMY? Waaaaah!!
Oh, she's right there. I'm fine now.
And this is her at her 3-month birthday celebration (she's around 14 weeks here):
Here she is with her little friends, Ili in orange who's 7 months, and Athena who's 10 months. Sometimes it still feels totally surreal when looking at a picture like this and think "wow, I have a daughter".
And these are some pix just taken a couple days ago. Compared to these ones at 4 weeks, she looks so different...
"Hey Eva, say Dah-Dah"
"Hooo... Ooooooh... OOOOOOOOH!" (totally proud of herself)
Here, you'll feel all better with a good rub down by your daddy and sister (BTW, don't you love hubby's T-shirt? So appropriate.)