First of all, thanks for all your well wishes through comments and e-mails! I'm sorry I don't have time to write each and everyone of you back yet, but please know that every time I receive a note from you, it brightens my day a little bit to know that someone is thinking of us :)
It's hard to believe we've been home with Eva for a week already. You may wonder how on earth do I find time to sit here and write this post, right?
Well, I consider myself super duper lucky to have a fantastic support team. First off, Eva's been a fairly good sleeper. As long as she's fed, burped, changed (provided that we read her cues correctly, something we're still learning), she'll usually sleep a couple of solid hours. Although I heard that as they get older, they'll need less sleep. And I'm also fairly sure that I've jinxed things now that I've declared how good she is, ha ha. Wish us luck!
Hubby has been phenomenal- other than producing milk, he pretty much takes care of everything else that needs to be done with the baby (including cleaning up her projectile poop that shot all over the wall and carpet from the changing table... who knew?). And not only that, he's calm, patient, and nurturing when I'm a nutcase whenever Eva fusses. While I overthink and overanalyze everything (and drives myself crazy in the process), he just have this intuition (and again, more patience) to get her on the right track.
My parents have also been stars in the supporting cast. My mom's always cooking something yummy (other than the Chinese medicine...) and nutritious in the kitchen, doing all the chores, and generally taking care of her daughter so I can take care of my daughter. My dad's been chauffeuring everyone around, and keeping Bryson entertained when we're all busy serving the new queen of the house.
Eva and I are the luckiest girls :)
Here are some random pictures from this first week:
Asleep on my tummy... so sweet...
Bryson playing "My Sister's Keeper" :) And thanks to all of you who asked about him, he's doing great with his new sister; at first he was a little scared and not sure what to do with her, but now he seems to have accepted her as part of the family. Although his schedule's completely whacked, he started "barking" this morning at our 4 a.m. feeding for his breakfast. Poor Bryson... Speaking of support, almost forgot to mention that Picasso's parents have been so helpful with him, they took him to the vet, gave him a bath, and took him with Picasso to the dog park. Thanks, Auntie Rita and Uncle Brian!
Her one-week birthday bash :) Don't look at my face, I was trying to hold back tears... I just couldn't believe she's a week old and we haven't broken her yet (although one day as I was changing her I thought I yanked her arm too hard and broke her arm when I heard a pop... who knew baby joints can pop too?) Anyway, I'm just a water faucet these days- I literally cried over spilled milk the other day... the postpartum hormone roller coaster ride is really as fun as people say.
First time in the still-much-too-big stroller. Bryson feeling neglected...
Her first pediatrician office visit. All was well, as the pediatrician pointed out, these early visits are almost more for us nervous parents than our healthy babies.