OK, back onto the subject that I was going to write about yesterday- the Holiday Open House I'm going to be selling at *super-psyched*!
And, there'll be another FREE Giveaway! (Keep reading...)
A few of my letterpress classmates and my letterpress teacher will be selling there as well, I've seen some of the calendars, cards and hand-bound books they created/ letterpressed, they're SOOOO unique and gorgeous I think I almost drooled on myself...
And here are a few things I'm thinking of selling there (plus a few more "new" holiday items little procrastinator me's still scrambling to put together):
Here's a bit more info for the Open House:
I realize that this sale is on the same day as the Dixon Corgi Fair! Arrgghhhh... it couldn't be a worse conflict!! I know a lot of you local corgi people are going to Dixon, if you happen to drive by Berkeley maybe you can stop by our little Open House and say hi!
In fact, come to think of it, to thank you for driving all the way to Berkeley, I'm gonna do a Free Giveaway to the first 10 folks who stops by to say hi to me at this Open House!
Yep, you heard me right, another { Paper Elixir } Giveaway!! Remember how fun the last one was? ;)
And I'll make it oh-so-easy for you to win free stuff:
And no, there's no fine print, you don't have to buy anything (but of course it'd be nice if you do find a few suitable holiday gifts there) :)
I know quite a few of you "virtually", but it'll be so nice to finally meet some of you in person! So bring your friends and family and come see me hawk my goods in Berkeley on Dec 7!
P.S. For those of you who don't live in the SF Bay Area or can't make it to Berkeley that day, you can play too! Just purchase one thing from my etsy store that day, and you can get a free gift too! See, I'm totally fair-minded! :D