I don't know why it took me so long to catch onto this (I'm slow, I guess).
But you, my astute friends, probably have heard about this company, fontifier, which I just learned has been offering services to turn your handwriting, however awful (like mine), into a workable computer font for $9 since 2004!
I really wish I've paid more attention to my childhood handwriting lessons. Can you imagine how cool it is if you can create custom stationary with your own computerized handwriting, or simply use it in everyday business communications just to be obnoxious? Ha ha!
All you need is a printer (to print out their template where you'll write your alphabet on), a scanner to scan in your masterpiece, e-mail them your finished template, pay 9 bucks (a few lattes, really), and voila! You have your own True Type Font (compatible with both MAC and Windows).
So, have you/ or know someone who's tried it out? Love to hear about it!
Too bad my handwriting is so miserable it'll really insult the $9 I'd have to spend.