Bryson and Picasso learned a very important lesson this past weekend at a Halloween Costume Contest- Life isn't always fair. They handled the injustice with great sportsmenship, but we people were totally crying foul!!
Just take a look at them in their matching "2 Amigos" costume (hand-sewn by Picasso's very talented mommy). I mean, how could anyone with eyes not give them the Best Costume title?!!??
This poncho costume is literally a work of art- every trim, every detail (just look at that guitar- it even comes with a strap! You don't get a lot more attention to detail than that). It puts my Harry Potter outfit to shame...
Granted that they did get come home with Second Place, we just couldn't help but suspect there's some conspiracy brewing behind the scenes here... just check out the competition, there's really no competition though...
(Woo... Special Report... Just as I was writing this, a 5.6 earthquake hit the Bay Area at 8:04 p.m.. The jolt was significant enough for me to drop the laptop and run to find Bryson so we can duck under a desk. But of course the shaking stopped as soon as we found a safe place to hide. No harm done, but seismic events like this always rattle a nerve.)
OK, back to the costume competition:
Left: Mummy-dog, 1st prize winner (told ya, no justice) Right: Fishy Chihuahua
Franken-dog, 3rd Place winner, actually quite well done, we wouldn't mind losing to him
Left: "Epicenter" of festivity (pardon the pun); Right: Graciously accepting 2nd Place
It's a bit crazy but we're having fun! (Prison Dog- hmm, not so much for me)
P.S. Sorry the pictures are kinda sloppy, didn't have time to edit them, been buried in work but want to post something before they start growing mold. Want more fuzzy pix? Check out our Flickr album.