After months of absence for various reasons (all inexcusable according to Bryson), we're finally back to the San Francisco Corgi meetup today!
Bryson is happy to see his friends again, even though he doesn't seem to enjoy the games of ball-chasing and play-fighting, he relishes the time spent being the watchful observer, says he's a herding dog afterall, and in case someone drops a treat, you don't want to be so busy playing you miss out on that, right?
The biggest treat-sl#ts: (seated from left to right) Lleulu, Bryson and Toast
Today seems to be puppy day, they have so much energy it's hard to keep up with them... one minute they're taking an unscheduled bath, next minute they're all over you scheming treats out of your pocket with that sweet little puppy face
What are Bryson and Toast doing under the bench, you ask? Very simple, there's always a chance that if they cause enough disturbance, someone could tip over a treat jar and cause major spillage = free treats for all!
Corgis, corgis everywhere (ehhh.... where's Bryson?)
I'm here, mommy! Just staying camouflaged so I can keep an eye on everyone.
For more photos, click here.