Now I know what separation anxiety means... I swear I'll never laugh at women who couldn't stop calling home checking on their kids while dining at Masa's under candlelight.
I miss Bryson!!!
The funny thing is I was so overwhelmed with the rush this morning catching the flight (the airport line was more than an hour long), I didn't even had the time to think about what I'm going to do without him. Once settled in on the flight, a wave of sedation swept over me and I quickly entered a semi-conscious state, complete with a slight drool... then out of the corner of my eye, out emerged a shock of red hair peeking out 2 rows in front of me. Bryson! Is that you?? I swear it's the exact shade of red and I can even see the faint outline of the pair of foxy ears poking out from the top. Bryson! Mama is here!! I almost reached out a hand to stroke what I thought was my baby's forehead when I realized it was merely the fluffy do of a red-headed woman (probably a Weasley). That would have been an awkward inflight moment.
I couldn't help to call home as soon as I landed. According to Daddy, Bryson had done both a No. 1 and 2 at HOME today (separation anxiety?), but had gone up the stairs once without prompting. I've started to suspect that he is perfectly capable of negotiating steps of any sorts, but our singing, dancing and chanting was probably too much entertainment for him to pass up on. Come to think of it, he's always had this dodgy look on his face when we finally had to resort to picking him up/down the steps, I took it to mean he was slightly embarrassed, but now I realize that it was probably him saying, "ha ha, gotcha! I'll just continue to pretend to look remorseful, who'd want to take the stairs when you can be carried..."
It's sooooo cold here in Seattle, I had no idea the area around my sister's place is covered with a good 4-5-inch layer of snow. This is one thing I definitely don't miss about the Northwest. Look forward to seeing my friends tonight and at the wedding tomorrow, but definitely look forward to returning back to the relative warmth of the Bay Area (and home).